Panasonic Z42 Aero Series High Wall Heat Pump

$2,100.23 Including GST

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Medium Room System // CS/CU-Z42VKR

Panasonic’s NEW premium highwall INVERTER Heat Pump series, the AERO VKR Series combines slim design and the most cutting-edge technology. Featuring nanoeX, INVERTER, AEROWINGS, i-AutoX.

4.2kW AERO Series Premium Reverse Cycle INVERTER Air Conditioner

Cooling capacity:  4.2kW
Heating capacity: 5.1kW


Aero Slim Design

The AERO slim design features sleek lines and graceful curves.


The nanoeX technology helps to inhibit pollen and the growth of bacteria. It also deodorises food smells and pet odour.

Versatile warming and cooling

Our Heat Pumps units are able to perform their heating function between environmental temperatures of -15° to 24°C.