Lounge with a heat pump mounted on the wall. The room has wooden floors and large windows

Domestic Air Conditioning ⁄ Heat Pumps

Highwall Heat Pumps

The most popular heat pump choice. Highwall heat pumps save floor space and are designed to suit the style of any home.

Highwalls will heat, cool and dehumidify specific rooms or areas in your home. Sometimes they are able to heat more than a specific area but this is largely dependent on the layout of your home and positioning of your heat pump/air conditioning system.

The running cost of highwalls is very low compared to other heating appliances.

Floor Console Heat Pumps and Ceiling Cassettes

Our compact, elegant, super-quiet and highly efficient Floor Console range designed to discreetly sit at floor level or can be recessed into the wall, making them ideal replacements for traditional floor mounted heating appliances such as night-store heaters.

Ceiling cassettes are perfect for residential spaces. Cassette units are an ideal solution for unobtrusive heating, as they are largely hidden from view, with only the air grille fascia visible. This slimline design ensures versatility and ease of installation.

Ducted Heat Pumps

Large area interiors can now enjoy almost invisible heating or cooling from the highly efficient, large capacity, ducted hide-away single-split Inverter heat pump range, with flexible installation and usability feature options. The perfect fit for lowered ceilings, guaranteed less installation hassle.

Multi Room Heat Pumps

A multi room heat pump allows you to select the best indoor model for each area with cluttering your homes outdoor aesthetics by reducing the number of outdoor units necessary while also providing an easy and economical way of adding indoor units at anytime.


Our Brands

Red and black Mitsubishi electric logo

Mitsubishi Electric has been a world leader in Heat pumps and Air Conditioning since 1968

Blue and dark blue Daikin logo

Daikin is one of New Zealand’s most trusted names in Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning

Blue Panasonic logo

Panasonic has been loved by New Zealand households for almost a century