Type of home

Approximate build decade

Please select one of the options

Type of build

Please select one of the options

Is your house raised off the ground?

No. of levels

Please select one of the options

Is the ceiling space accessible?

Please select one of the options


The main focus of the new heating standards is ensuring that your home is capable of heating the main living area to a minimum of 18 degrees. It provides a range of options for you to achieve this, but there are specific requirements depending on how you choose to heat your home.

Does the home have some sort of heating in the main living area?

What form of heating does it have?

What is the area (in m2) of the main living area?

What is the window grading installed?


Ceiling and underfloor insulation became compulsory in all rental homes as of the 1 July 2019, with some limited exceptions. Going forward, the new insulation standards will build upon the current regulations as we head through the full timeline for the ''Healthy Home Standards”. This means that previously installed insulation may need to be topped up or replaced (generally, where it was installed before 2016).

Is there any insulation in the space under the home?

Is there any insulation in the roof space?

Since your house is not raised off the ground and ceiling space is not accessible, insulation is considered a pass. Please go ahead to the next step.


Homes require different ventilation solutions dependant on the purpose of the room. For instance, the living room, dining room, kitchen and bedrooms must have an opening window, door or skylight that opens to the outdoors and allows airflow into and out of the property. Rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens not only require an extractor fan, but that fan needs to meet the specifications of the new ventilation standards

How many bathrooms do not have an extractor?

Please select one of the options

How many kitchens do not have an extractor?

Moisture ingress and drainage

The new "Healthy Home Standards" place a huge emphasis on keeping homes dry and free of mould to ensure a healthy and comfortable environment for its tenants. An example of this is if a rental home has an enclosed sub-floor space, it must have a ground moisture barrier. Furthermore, all rental homes must have efficient drainage for the removal of storm, surface and groundwater to an appropriate outfall.

Does your home have any visible signs of mould?

Do any rooms in your home feel or smell damp?

Is the ground under the house covered (polythene plastic) to prevent moisture rising?

Are there any breather vents under the house?

Are there any blockages in your guttering and/or is there any pooling around your property?

Draught Stopping

What good is having great insulation, heating systems and ventilation if your property still has cold air rushing in and out of it? Therefore, rental homes must not have "unreasonable" gaps or holes in walls, ceilings, windows, skylights, floors and doors. This includes unused fireplaces, that need to be closed off or their chimneys blocked.

Are there any holes or gaps in the walls, ceilings, floorboards or windows that let cold air in?

Get your 'Healthy Homes Assessment' now

Thanks for completing Varcoe’s “Healthy Home Standard” assessment for your property. The final step is to provide us with your contact information below, so that we are able to send you a customised PDF that provides insight into how compliant your property currently is with the new standards. This PDF is specific to your property and can therefore act as supporting evidence in your statement of intent if your home doesn’t already comply with the new standards.